AIMS & OBJECTIVES: The HMPA exists to provide a forum in which any issues affecting this Pond can be discussed.
It aims to democratically represent its members’ views and interests to the City of London Corporation, and to work with this body and their representatives on any repairs, changes or improvements to the Pond and its immediate surroundings that may be considered necessary or desirable.
It expects the Corporation and its representatives to consult with it on any issues that may affect the Pond and its environs, either directly or indirectly and will endeavour to ensure that such consultation always takes place.
It will liaise with the other associations for swimmers on Hampstead Heath to ensure the best interests of all swimmers are protected.
MANAGEMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION: At the AGM, members will elect a Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and up to 9 additional Committee Members who are all regular users of the Pond. They will remain in office until the next AGM, when they may be up for re-election against any nominated and seconded opponents. If re-elected they can serve a maximum of three years.
The HMPA Committee will liaise as appropriate with the City of London Corporation, the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee, the Lifeguards and any other bodies or individuals that may be involved on all matters that concern the Association’s members. Members will be encouraged to refer any requests, comments and complaints regarding the administration and functioning of the Pond to the Association’s Committee.
The Committee will vote on any major decisions. Chair has deciding vote in the event of a split vote.
MEMBERSHIP: The Association is open to all users of The Men’s Pond, who want to have their views represented to the HMPA Committee and the City of London.
MEMBERSHIP FEE: The annual fee is £5. Only paid up members are entitled to vote at the Association’s meetings. Membership will be deemed to have lapsed 12 months after the membership fee has been paid.
ACCOUNTS: The Treasurer will keep a record of the Association’s income and expenditure and produce a statement of this at each AGM
MEETINGS: The Association will hold an Annual General Meeting in June for HMPA members, at which the Committee will report on their activities throughout the year.
General Committee meetings will be held twice a year and may be called more regularly at the discretion of the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer (at least 14 days’ notice will be given). Between meetings the Committee will keep in contact with members via email. Members will also be able to access information on the HMPA website, and they will be encouraged to keep the Committee informed on their views so they can be fully represented to the City of London.
MEMBERSHIP LIST: A list of members with their contact details will be held by the Secretary. This will not be used for any other purpose than supplying members with information about the Association’s activities and informing them of forthcoming meetings.